The Institute plays an important role in many third mission activities, such as the dissemination of scientific research results to the general public, participation in committees and consultations, training activities also in school-work alternation activities. support to companies, also through the development of ad hoc professionals as “knowledge integrators” to understand the opportunity for shared projects between the industrial world and the world of public research. It also carries out important activities in the region, where it has numerous contracts with Local Authorities and Companies, Schools and “Soprintendenze” for the supply of high added value ICT services, such as distance learning platforms, consultancy on networking systems and wireless connection activation for public utility.
The goal is to enhance the public interest and involvement towards science and technology, young generations in particular, so contributing in promoting the advancement of the knowledge.
As part of the school-work alternation courses, projects are or have been carried out for the following schools:
Year  2015-16
  • Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale “Alessandro Volta” – Guidonia (RM) (12 students)


Year  2016-17

  • Liceo Scientifico “Primo Levi” – Roma (44 students)
  • Liceo Classico “Luciano Manara” – Roma (18 students)
  • Liceo Classico “G.V. Catullo” – Monterotondo (RM) (7 students)
  • Liceo Scientifico “Giuseppe Peano” – Monterotondo (RM) (33 students+364 students in the school)
  • Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Gregorio da Catino” – Poggio Mirteto (RI) (24 students)
  • Liceo Scientifico “L. Rocci” – Passo Corese (RI) (45 students)
  • Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Statale “Alessandro Volta” – Guidonia (RM) (5 students)


Year  2017-18

  • Liceo Scientifico “Primo Levi” – Roma (41 students)
  • Lice Scientifico “Charles Darwin” – Roma (21 students)
  • Istituto d’istruzione Secondaria Superiore “J. von Neumann” – Roma (39 students)
  • Liceo Classico “G.V. Catullo” – Monterotondo (RM) (15 students)
  • Liceo Scientifico “Giuseppe Peano” – Monterotondo (RM) (33 students+ 42 students in the school)