Bartolucci Cecilia
Since 2013, Coordinator of the WG Food within the “Science and Technology Foresight Project” of the National Research Council of Italy, where she holds a position as Researcher at the Institute of Crystallography. She graduated in Chemistry at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome and, after obtaining a scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, started her research activity at the Institut de Chimie Therapeutique in Lausanne, Switzerland. As postdoctoral fellow, with a NATO-CNR Advanced Fellowship, she spent 18 months at the Max Planck Institut für Medizinische Forschung in Heidelberg, Germany and in 2000 she received a fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation to work as Postdoctoral Research Associate in Protein Crystallography at the Max Planck Institut für Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany, where she continues to collaborate to the present day. She has been the CNR representative at several national and international boards and chair at the technical G7 meetings for the Italian Ministry of Health.
Her wide-ranging research interests allowed her to gain experience in many different sectors. From the synthesis, characterization and structure-activity relationship studies of pharmaceutically active compounds; to the crystallography of biomolecules, and functional studies while supporting a group working on enabling technologies for drug discovery; to nutraceuticals and eventually to food, she learned to value a highly interdisciplinary approach.
Functional studies of biomolecules:
- Cristallografia: Cristallizzazione di proteine mediante hanging and sitting drops, valutazione di condizioni di crioprotezione, raccolta di dati di diffrazione a raggi X presso il sincrotrone, data processing e affinamento delle strutture.
- Proteine purification
- Protein crystallization
- Protein structure determination
Foresight studies
Prof. Leonrado Fraceto: UPESP San Paulo Universitiy, Brasile
Dr. Lorenza Putignani: Ospedale Pediatrico e Centro di Ricerche, IRCCS Bambino Gesù, Roma, Dipartimento di Medicina Diagnostica e di Laboratorio, UOC Microbiologia e Diagnostica Immunologica e Area di Medicina di Laboratorio Multimodale
Prof. Michele Guarino, Dr. Annamaria Altomare: Università del Campus Biomedico Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Uomo e l’Ambiente
Dr. Richard Canady: NeutralScience L3C, Seattle, USA
Dr. George Atkinson, Institute on Science for Global Policy, USA