X-ray MicroImaging Laboratory (XMI-L@B)
This Imaging X-ray diffraction facility allows for molecular and atomic scale analysis of fabrics, natural or engineered biotissues, thin films, nanocomposites, nanostructured surfaces, nanocrystal assemblies, polymers, colloidal solutions. Data are collected with scattering contrast, in the small and wide angle ranges, in transmission (SAXS/WAXS) or reflection geometry (GISAXS/GIWAXS), as well as with absorption contrast. SAXS and WAXS can be simultaneously collected at selected sample positions, providing full correlation between atomic and nanoscale structure, within a sample area as small as the beam footprint (70 to 200 µ). Extended samples are studied in scanning mode, allowing the investigation of several mm2 large areas by collecting SAXS data at each sample position, while simultaneously collecting the average WAXS pattern over the scanned area. Scattering/absorption data are processed by the in-house developed software SUNBIM (http://www.ba.ic.cnr.it/softwareic/sunbim/), producing 2D quantitative microscopies with scattering and/or absorption contrast.
Thin films and supported objects are studied in reflection geometry, by using a high precision goniometer with piezoelectric motors to collect scattering data (GISAXS/GIWAXS) at grazing incidence angles (from a few cents up to two degrees), maximising surface sensitivity to detect even very small amounts of material, such as isolated and spaced nanostructures
Instrumentation in the X-ray Micro-Imaging Laboratory (XMI-L@b)
Rotating anode Fr-E+ superbright microsource (CuKα) coupled to a SMAX3000 camera (Rigaku), through a focusing optics CMF 15-105 and three pinholes. Beam footprint of 70 to 200 µ diameter at sample position. Detectors: gas-filled multiwire Triton (200 µ pixel size), up to 2 m sample-to-detector distance (SDD); Image Plate (IP) with off-line RAXIA scanner (100 µ pixel size), for a 3 cm up to a 20 cm SDD. Kapton windows can be inserted to keep the sample at atmospheric pressure (fligth tube at about 10-1 mbar). A high precision goniometer for grazing incidence geometry can be inserted in the sample chamber.
Contacts |
+39 080 5929163 |
davide.altamura@ic.cnr.it |