Capitelli Francesco

Francesco Capitelli graduated in 1996 in geological sciences, by discussing a thesis in petrology. In 2000 he obtained PhD title in agronomical chemistry, focused on the application of LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) technique to the detection of heavy metals in soils. Since 2001 he works as researcher at Institute of Crystallography (IC). His main scientific activity at IC is framed along the conceptual line geomaterials-biomaterials.
Geomaterials, in particular in their meaning of minerals retrieved in the geological context and synthetical minerals which present chemical-physical-mechanical features similar to those of natural compounds, become important in the context of italian geological panorama, thinking to phosphates (e.g. apatite) [1-2], silicates, or rare earth-borates [3]. Their crystal-chemical characterization is achieved through the application of X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman and FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). From the knowledge of these geomaterials it is possible to realize synthetical compounds that, owing to the several possible chemical substitutions, are requested for applications in several technological fields: for example the several apatite-based materials, employed in agriculture as nano-fertilizer, or in the environment, being good filters for the water purification, or in the nuclear, for the storage of radioactive wastes, up to cultural heritage, where they make up excellent films applied to stony monuments to prevent weathering effects.
Biomaterials such as hydroxyapatite [4-5] and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) [6-7] represent synthetic counterparts of materials present in Nature, and they are much appreciated because of their similarities with mineral fraction of vertebrates hard tissues, e.g. bones and teeth. Owing to their crystal-chemical features which give rise to many possible cationic and anionic substitutions, together to their well-known biocompatibility, the structural investigation of calcium phosphates (carried out via XRD, FTIR, and SEM techniques) lead to the design and production of a large class of biomaterials appreciated in biomedical sciences, as cements used in bone defects reconstruction in orthopedics and dentistry, as nano-carriers in personalized medicine, as phosphor materials for optical imaging, as materials employed in dosimetric applications.
[1] Rossi M., Ghiara M.R., Chita G., Capitelli F. Crystal-chemical and structural characterization of fluorapatites in ejecta from Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex. American Mineralogist 96 (2011) 1828-1837.
[2] Capitelli F., Bosi F., Capelli S., Radica F., Della Ventura G. Neutron and XRD single-crystal diffraction study and vibrational properties of whitlockite, the natural counterpart of synthetic tricalcium phosphate. Crystals 11 (2021) 225.
[3] Capitelli F., Chita G., Leonyuk N.I., Koporulina E.V., Bellatreccia F., Della Ventura G. REEAl07(B4O10)O0.60 dimetaborates (REE = La, Pr); synthesis and X-ray structural characterization. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 226 (2011) 219-225.
[4] Cancelliere R., Rea G., Micheli L., Mantegazza P., Bauer E.M., El Khouri A., Tempesta E., Altomare A., Capelli D., Capitelli F. Electrochemical and Structural Characterization of Lanthanum-Doped Hydroxyapatite: A promising Material for Sensing Applications. Materials 16 (2023) 4522.
[5] Scognamiglio V., Nocerino V., Miranda B., De Stefano L., Tempesta E., Baldassarre F., Altomare A., Capitelli F. Novel Enhancing materials for biosensor design. The case study of erbium-, gadolinium and strontium-doped Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 hydroxyapatite. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 70 (2024) 100637.
[6] El Khouri A., Elaatmani M., Della Ventura G., Sodo A., Rizzi R., Rossi M., Capitelli F. Synthesis, structure refinement and vibrational spectroscopy of new rare-earth tricalcium phosphates Ca9RE(PO4)7 (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Dy, Tm, Yb). Ceramics International 43 (2017) 15645-15653.
[7] Paterlini V., El Khouri A., Bettinelli M., Trucchi D.M., Capitelli F. Spectroscopic and Structural Properties of beta-Tricalcium Phosphates Ca9RE(PO4)7 (RE = Nd, Gd, Dy). Crystals 11 (2021) 1269.
Geomaterials; Biomaterials
Crystallography; Mineralogy; Inorganic Chemistry.
X-ray diffraction (XRD); Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive System (SEM-EDS)
Insieme a Francesco Capitelli, ricercatore dell’Istituto di Cristallografia del CNR, capiamo perché è importante studiare l’apatite, minerale presente come inclusione non solo in rocce e meteoriti ma anche nelle nostre ossa e che ha importanti applicazioni in vari settori della scienza, dalla geologia al campo biomedico.
See Almanacco della Scienza – CNR – https://almanacco.cnr.it/articolo/3714/l-inclusione-riguarda-anche-i-mineraliImparare dai meteoriti per migliorare le protesi ossee (08/04/2021)
Uno studio dell’Istituto di cristallografia del Cnr in collaborazione con le università Sapienza e Roma Tre e con l’ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (UK), ha permesso di ottenere la prima caratterizzazione completa della whitlockite, un minerale presente anche nei meteoriti. I risultati contribuiranno ad ottenere materiali più performanti per utilizzo biomedicale. Lo studio è pubblicato su Crystals. Comunicato Stampa CNR – see https://www.cnr.it/it/comunicato-stampa/10163/imparare-dai-meteoriti-per-migliorare-le-protesi-ossee
Elejalde-Cadena, Nerith R.;Hernandez, Denisse; Capitelli, Francesco; Islas, Selene R.; Rosales-Hoz, Maria J.; Zema, Michele; Tarantino, Serena C.; Siliqi, Dritan* and Moreno, Abel*
Cancelliere, R. 1; Rea, G. 2; Micheli, L. 1; Mantegazza, P. 1; Bauer, E.M. 3; El Khouri, A. 4; Tempesta, E. 5; Altomare, A. 6; Capelli, D. 6; Capitelli, F. 6
Francesco Baldassarre, Angela Altomare, Ernesto Mesto, Maria Lacalamita, Bujar Dida, Altin Mele, Elvira Maria Bauer, Massimo Puzone, Emanuela Tempesta, Davide Capelli, Dritan Siliqi, Francesco Capitelli
Rosanna Rizzi (1), Francesco Capitelli (29, Bogdan I. Lazoryak (3), Vladimir A. Morozov (3), Fabio Piccinelli (4), Angela Altomare (1)
Francesco Capitelli 1; Ferdinando Bosi 2; Silvia C. Capelli 3; Francesco Radica 4-5; Giancarlo Della Ventura 4-5-6-
Veronica Paterlini [1,2], Asmaa El Khouri [3], Marco Bettinelli [1], Daniele Maria Trucchi [4] and Francesco Capitelli [5]
Ibhi A.; Khiri F.; Ouknine L.; Ait Touchnt A.; Capitelli F.; De Pascale O.; Senesi G.S.